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Showing posts from 2017

Electric Disobedience

Electric disobedience is a radical lifestyle where you attempt to use the least possible amount of commercial petrol or fossil fuel based electricity normally purchased from large companies, and which is frequently the source of many environmental or cultural/societal issues for the workers and local people in these places. Endesa/Enel for example are to blame for a lot of extractive projects that directly affect the lives of local communities in Araucanía that enjoy a natural commons that gives them fresh water and fertile crops. There are countless examples of ecological and societal disaster at the hands of large producers in extractive industries. Not only do these activities affect the lives of these people, but also those of the users of that electricity in the northern hemisphere, who as passive consumers can't escape an oligarchy of companies that may be the only providers in any westernised enough city, and that in the end depends on the existence of alienated over-cons...

Open Source Community Sousveillance System

There are various reasons for a community to develop a shared sousveillance system: It provides a legal witness for any crime, brings media attention (via the agreed and anoymised sharing of the captured information), deters anti social behaviour even amongst neighbours, and together with other activities to work on community cohesion such as assemblies or neighbourhood events, can lead to a positively reinforcing environment towards a socially and environmentally positive use of the tool. This in turn empowers the local community and pushes official surveillance or policing reasoning to require it's own justification or to work alongside neighbours on a more equal ground. Depending on the area a group may choose to ally with local law enforcement or only do so when a group determines that a crime has been committed. So shall we make one? I'll be taking down and working on ideas for how it could work on this post. Some initial features: 1) A "camera view" showin...

Democracy 1, Nazism 0

I wonder what image of respect the national guard wanted to bring to Catalan people when they rode in from all across Spain to punish and repress this province with fantasies of emancipation. We saw Nazis from across spain, posting on social media in their home towns and waving their flag and singing that one song they all know from some kind of tourist ad for Spain. ( Did the Catalan right wing argue with the Spanish right wing and they just couldn't co-habit any longer the space where you divide up all the riches? ) Those police came dressed in their black gear, allowed by the state to beat people of all kinds - including if in old age or children, or to use that kind of violence that you dish out when you think people just aren't worthy of any respect. I wonder if the national police have debates as to whether people in the repressed provinces are actually human or not. From around 9am this morning, national police descended on the unarmed civilian population attemptin...

El Raval se auto-organiza contra el trafico de drogas duras

Es el siglo 21. En el barrio Raval de Barcelona se mezcla la crisis económica, la gentrificación, la drogadicción , el aislamiento social , el mobbing y los planes doctrina shock de los fondos inmobiliarios y gran capital. Todas estas cosas son una tormenta perfecta contra los vecinos del Raval. Los vecinos de toda la vida que ayudaron a reconstruir el barrio, algunos migrando de todas partes de España en el post guerra, y los vecinos mas recientes, que llegaron como migrantes, turistas o estudiantes y quisieron quedarse a hacer sus vidas en estas calles. A post shared by Roig22 (@picalquers.roig) on Jul 4, 2017 at 4:44am PDT En todo el barrio se siente el aire pesada y húmeda de la resignación, del miedo, del haber dejado de esperar que mejore, ya no pudiendo ni creer lo que vemos cuando vamos ya con miedo por las calles, o mirando nuestras cartas con nuevas boletas y subidas de alquiler. Todo el barrio???? No!! Una aldea poblada por irreducibles ravaleñ@s sigue luchando ...

Apuntes sobre "¿Qué son (y pueden ser) los comunes urbanos?"

Aquí para la posteridad mis apuntes del evento " ¿Qué son (y pueden ser) los comunes urbanos? - sobretodo sobre la relación con los ayuntamientos y leyes de los espacios considerados comunes en la urbe: " un recorrido a través las prácticas y reflexiones sobre las nuevas formas de gestión de los bienes comunes, especialmente en el contexto urbano" . Llegué tarde como siempre y me perdí la mayor parte de la introducción de Marco Apatricio con un punto de vista jurídico. Y como mucho era en italiano lo he escrito en esa idioma.. Traducción al fondo... Disclaimer: Mi spiace e spero che altri potranno riassumere ma io intanto metto quello che mi ha colpito o venuto in mente mentre ascoltavo. / Lo siento pero solo he tomado nota de lo que me impacto o ocurrió mientras escuchaba. Este no es un resumen del taller! Ana Mendez : Regole di un comune: Amministrato da un gruppo riconosciuto identificabile Aperto Si perpetua e si riproduce nel tempo Contiene risorse che...

Journey of the mouse

De Jorge Cárdenas - , CC BY 2.0 Once upon a time there was a mouse who wanted to take care of a valley he had found. One day a fox turned up and said it was his valley. "So be gone with you" said the fox, because he wanted to build houses for the humans who lived in the mountains. The mouse walked up past the humans and their animals, past the highest peaks and on towards a temple so grand and majestic that a stairway to enter it disappeared into a cloud on which the shining temple sat. In a huge waiting room the mouse sat for hours, then days, then weeks. Soon he could feel himself grow tired and ill from the light and lack of food. He asked a passing condor to send news to the valley of his illness. The king of the sun looked up from his work, planning the most ambitious constructions with all the cleverest humans. He said: "I really appreciate your issue but w...

Aarhus, Dinamarca – Hacia una Europa autónoma – conferencia 24-26 Noviembre 2016

(subo este articulo que escribí ya hace mas de un mes! ) Estoy en el país donde todos toman café negro sin leche ni azúcar, y las bicicletas se aparcan libremente y sin ligar. Esta mañana dichas bicicletas amanecieron revueltas por el viento otoñal en montones y tiradas por las vías ciclables que son parte de cada calle de la ciudad. Es el último día y mañana vuelvo a Barcelona donde veo que hay 10 grados centigrados m á s que aquí. Tocó buena suerte y no bajó de los 4 grados en toda mi estancia.  “Les va a costar entender” me había contado por teléfono el organizador del evento , que hac e una estancia de visita a un proyecto sobre propriedad privada en la universidad de Aarhus : En el norte de Europa, aún hay un fuerte estado del bienestar en el que la gente suele confiar y depender en sus vidas. Aún no se ha convertido del todo en un sistema de austeridad neo liberal, aunque hubo recortes y cierres de bancos o empresas cuando la crisis golpeó Europa en el 2008, y se ...