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Showing posts from 2016

Procomuns refugee fund talk

This is a slightly extended write up of a lightning talk entitled " Creating a fair market and a fund for refugees" which I gave at in Barcelona, March 2016 When a person arrives in a new place, seen from a P2P perspective of a node, a network  of relationships an d connections to people and concepts so beautifully depicted in the myth of I ndra's net. When people move around then, they are a mix of slowly fading and recombining connections to experience, knowledge, and culture, plus their long distance relationships . If not cultivated the se connections to the past fade, as new connections or knowledge are gained in the new setting. I am A le and I work at F air C oop , wh ere we are working to create an alternative economic system that is more democratic, ecological and . .. fair! I arrived in Europe as a child, a refugee of the Pinochet dictatorship, in 1974; we were some of the first to leave Chile and there was...

Using social currencies to fund the energy transition

This post is a translation of a proposal by Susana Martín Belmonte of which the original will soon be posted! On July 13 2016, the city of Barcelona published a government measure to create an energy operator in the city . This operator aims to accelerating the energy transition to renewable energy sources, facilitating the citizen's energy self-consumption, and providing the citizens with access to electricity generation business income, as well as addressing economic justice goals, such as ending energy poverty. One of this project's key points is financing new renewable energy generators, and this is where the social currency that the city of Barcelona is planning can play a very interesting role. I drafted the proposal that comes next and I shared with the economy and ecology groups, as well as the social currency group at Barcelona en Comú. In addition, this can also be framed in the working group on energy and climate change mentioned in the doc...

OSCEdays Barcelona: Buscando una economía social, transformadora y libre...

Las siguientes son las primeras conclusiones que he sacado de mi participación en las jornadas globales y abiertas a la participación de distintas ciudades del mundo, OSCEdays : Creado por la deportista Ellen MacArthur, el concepto de Circular Economy es una perspectiva ecologista que facilita un cambio masivo en los procesos industriales mundiales. El concepto sirve para ir a grandes empresas y convencerles o poco a poco exigirles a cambiar o por lo menos a ayudar a quienes lo hacen, cediendo espacios o recursos para las jornadas OSCE en otras partes del mundo por ejemplo. Mucho del contenido internacional de estas jornadas se centra en desarrollar " Challenges " o retos, de diseño, construcción y prototipado de soluciones grandes y pequeñas que transforman deshechos organicos en gas fertilizante , convierten deshechos urbanos en ladrillos , o crean baños públicos que reciclan nutrientes como fosfatos . Obviamente en Barcelona se puede ir mas lejos que en la...

The socially constructed pheroverse

Imagine an interface much like the Construct in the film The Matrix - where you can run your own local simulator for practice or training (not necessarily fighting agents) from your biblically named hovercraft or whatever your vessel may be at that point in life. So in it you can put all the actors, scenes and situations - as some describe in the experience of lucid dreaming, and put ourselves in them and experience them, or test out scenarios for what you will be doing in your work, or create imaginary environments and buy or create your own 3d spaces where these things take place, maybe sometimes inviting others to join in. Mostly though, it's just an extended interface with respect to today's touchscreens, mice and keyboards, for everyday use. Simulating is then freed from the domain of the dream so that we can imagine situations and train towards them. This was the intent of the Israeli army when they created the first army simulation that led to the first first perso...

Terroni, Turkizzazione e regionalismi

Stasera sono andato a vedere Terroni O Eructos De Historia , di una compagnia teatrale italiana a Barcellona (con i sottotitoli proiettati sopra allo spettacolo, per chi guardava la versione in Spagnolo). Credo che con i media virtuali sono condizionato a non apprezzare la qualità di quello che vedo e il teatro mi ricorda che i greci ai loro tempi già potevano avere esperienze simili senza bisogno di tutti gli aggeggi di oggi, che riempiono il giorno. Invece sono stato circondato da suoni, voci, gesta reali per 2 ore di storia, politica, arte e metafora - tutto di ottima qualità, con della musica in chitarra che punteggiava i vari atti, Musica che mi piacerebbe avere e riascoltare con calma. La storia si centra sul momento della prima Europa industrializzata, in cui il regno delle due Sicilie venne distrutto e capovolto dall'unione dell'Italia coi suoi nuovi re. La gente fu uccisa, violentata, le fabbriche distrutte e colonne di profughi lasciarono la regione mentre i nuov...