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Section 4

mp3 excerpt: Father Richard MacKay talks about deportation as practiced in the UK.

Here are my preparations for an exhibition on section 4, failed asylum. Feel free to join in :)


Father McKay

Labels for recordings

World Map (and pins)

Failed Asylum Snakes and Ladders

Letter for Co-op on the triangle.

Copyright document: The material in this collection is licensed under a Creative Commons By-Nc-Sa license. This entitles re-use of all material donated for further work, as long as it is attributed to "Section 4" and used for non-commercial purposes. Any other uses will require contact with the original author, via the exhibition organiser, Alejandro Fernandez, 12 Bruce Avenue, Bristol. By submitting material for this exhibition, you are agreeing to put your contributions under this license.

I agree [ ]

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Call montpelier health centre, ask for - Local Search for Health Centre in Bristol: "0117 942 6811" DONE, left message

Call NHS centre: CAMS. Phone interview with CAMS central sector knowle clinic 0117 9190330

Democratic writings will be small paragraphs on a topic (like soft lists, destitution, deportation, vouchers, work, health, signing on, community work, organisation, a graphic showing what the path is if you are a failed asylum seeker(listen to father mackay's interview to extract this info better).

Each of these 4 boards will have an "audio area" - an old audio player taped on, a pen on a string (sellotaped), and a title and very little info: little more than "Add your opinion", although individual bits might have pen or marker pen indication of what each thing is.

Testimonies VS Media: (Anna, Ali) 2 stories , 1 Poem - do better, Photos

Health: (Naomi, Mary) NHS asylum policy, Wikipedia post traumatic stress disorder. Audio interview to CAMS and montpelier health clinic

People who help: (Father MacKay, Sue, BDASC) Cube Asylum Policy, Cube Programmes, Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers. Sue O'Donnell webpages, "democratic info sheet" on the need for co-ordinating body at local level, section of asylum act relating to community activities, timebank, sign up sheets, article on food for a million etc.

The State: interview sections on Immigration Department, Solicitors and Government (Father MacKay croydon lies, BDASC political will, Sue o'donnell) Migration Watch article, FOI legislation, Asylum act in full, Articles with Father MacKay (PRINTED).

Prepare Audio, Prepare Boards (get children to help!)

Maybe can bring some double headphone plugs to allow listening 2 at a time. Bring TV, DVD, Scart Cable, extension leads (2)
Buy: Cassette tapes, magic marker, fm transmitter

Take printed letters to Sweet Mart, Maitreya, Better Food, Co-op Triangle.

Thank you page print out:
Thanks to all who helped make this exhibition possible:
(cross out as needed)
Coop Community Fund
Bristol Sweet Mart (Food donations)
Cafe Maitreya (Food donations)
Bristol Wireless (LTSP computer suite).
Paul Stapleton, Mike Fallows (
Siobhan McKeown (Video operation and interviews)
Barry Parsons & Sam, Mat Dalgliesh, Ivan Zverstvo (Sound editing)
Bristol Defend the Asylum Seeker
Drop in Centre, St Nicolas of Tolentino
Mel McCree (Audio, work with children)
Helen Grant (Video editing, testimonial recordings)
To everyone who gave an interview
To everyone who donated things for the symbolic jumble sale.
All of you who came and added to it!

Call the haven, montpelier health centre, 0117 942 6811

call and plead to print places (secured 4 a3 prints from Besley Hill on St Marks Road) Abandoned trying other print places...

buy boards from art shop DONE, print lots of flyers DONE

ask june if I can use their printer within reason at pierian

email freecycle about the jumble sale

call brian

text paulette asking section 4 contacts to come to exhibition, offer interview if wanted. DONE If so, cheeky question: ask her what she feels about the Respect Party being accused of using the asylum seeker issue to somehow further political ambitions, and would she, despite this, attempt dialogue with other people who help asylum seekers to solve these issues and perhaps coordinate services and information?

What does she feel about community activities for section 4 beneficiaries?

What kind of thing could be the best? Make example of Anna's love for growing own food: community gardens and meals.

Call immigration. Ask them if they can say a few words as a statement for a art exhibition on section 4.

What is your name, and function within the immigration department?

What is that like?

What contact do you have with the asylum seekers you work with, and what can you tell me about them?

What is your policy towards asylum seekers, in a nutshell?

And what is your opinion of the treatment of failed asylum seekers in the UK?

What are people's rights during this situation?

What can you tell me about deportation in the UK, how is it usually carried out?
Some have voiced accusations that the deprivation from work, money, medical services, friendship and family is a form of torture, designed to send the message to the world that Britain is not the country to seek refuge in.

Do you believe that the immigration department could be breaking human rights laws?

The law on asylum specifies community work. Is this something that any community group can apply for?

Wouldn't this lead to asylum seekers being known personally by the general public and hence possibly protected?

But then maybe the problem would go away if everyone liked them?

excerpt 2: George Speaks. More interviews and transcripts here.


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