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Showing posts from November, 2017

Electric Disobedience

Electric disobedience is a radical lifestyle where you attempt to use the least possible amount of commercial petrol or fossil fuel based electricity normally purchased from large companies, and which is frequently the source of many environmental or cultural/societal issues for the workers and local people in these places. Endesa/Enel for example are to blame for a lot of extractive projects that directly affect the lives of local communities in AraucanĂ­a that enjoy a natural commons that gives them fresh water and fertile crops. There are countless examples of ecological and societal disaster at the hands of large producers in extractive industries. Not only do these activities affect the lives of these people, but also those of the users of that electricity in the northern hemisphere, who as passive consumers can't escape an oligarchy of companies that may be the only providers in any westernised enough city, and that in the end depends on the existence of alienated over-cons...

Open Source Community Sousveillance System

There are various reasons for a community to develop a shared sousveillance system: It provides a legal witness for any crime, brings media attention (via the agreed and anoymised sharing of the captured information), deters anti social behaviour even amongst neighbours, and together with other activities to work on community cohesion such as assemblies or neighbourhood events, can lead to a positively reinforcing environment towards a socially and environmentally positive use of the tool. This in turn empowers the local community and pushes official surveillance or policing reasoning to require it's own justification or to work alongside neighbours on a more equal ground. Depending on the area a group may choose to ally with local law enforcement or only do so when a group determines that a crime has been committed. So shall we make one? I'll be taking down and working on ideas for how it could work on this post. Some initial features: 1) A "camera view" showin...